
Learn Astrology With Arjun Pandit In 3 Hours

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Basic Astrology Mentorship Program
"Learn A TO Z of Astrology by Astro Arun Pandit from basic to advance level and become a certified Astrologer."
Created By - Astro Arun Pandit
₹ 799
₹ 1065
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Imagine going on a fascinating journey to discover how the stars and planets can tell you more about yourself and your life. In 'Basic Astrology Mentorship Program by Astro Arun Pandit,' you'll learn about astrology, which is like a special way of understanding how the sky's things (like stars and planets) can affect you. We'll start by learning about the twelve zodiac signs and what they say about you. Then, we'll talk about the nine important planets and how they can change your life. You'll even make a map of the sky for when you were born, and we'll figure out what it means. We'll also explore how the planets moving in the sky can change things for you. By the end, you'll know how to use astrology to understand yourself and make better choices. It's like having a secret map to help you on life's journey! Our course doesn't end with knowledge acquisition. You'll have the opportunity to connect with a community of astrology enthusiasts, stay updated on current astrological events and trends, and even consider pursuing further studies and certifications in astrology. Astrology is a lifelong journey, and this course is just the beginning. Astro Arun Pandit emphasizes the importance of ethical astrological practice. You'll explore the ethical considerations of using astrology to gain insights into the lives of others and learn how to provide constructive and empowering guidance to clients and friends.

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