Gudi Parwa | Ugadi 2024

When is Gudi Padwa? Find out below the correct date, shubh muhurat and significance of this festival. How is the festival celebrated and its connection with Ugadi festival.
About Gudi Padwa 2024
Gudi Padwa marks the beginning of the hindu calendar new year and the harvest season, and is celebrated in Konkan Region, covering the state of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa. It is celebrated as Ugadi in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Various rituals are followed according to different regions uniquely, and their beliefs. The word Gudi refers to the flag of Lord Brahma who is the creator of the universe according to mythology and worshipped on this auspicious day. Padwa refers to the first day, which here refers to the first day of the chaitra month.
Significance of the festival
Popular belief is that Lord Brahma created/recreated the universe on this day. This day signifies prosperity, well-being and beginning of an year of hope and happiness. This day is a reflection of rich cultural traditions and rituals followed throughout the country of different ethnicities. This festival might have a different name for various areas, but the zeal for the festival is same.
How is Gudi Padwa celebrated?
The most popular ritual is hoisting of Gudi which is the flag, a bright cloth tied on a bamboo with a kalash, placed upside down on it. It is decorated with garlands of flowers, mango and neem leaves. It is positioned at entrance of homes, symbolising prosperity and good fortune. Waving off any bad or evil off the house. Entrances are also decorated with rangoli made from vibrant colors and flowers. Various sweet and savory dishes are preapred, the most popluar being Puran Poli, along with various dishes including ingredients like neem, jaggery, and tamarind symbolizing the sweet, sour and bitter experiences of life.
How is Ugadi Celebrated?
Pachadi preparation is one of the most common and important part of Ugadi which consists of mix of six tastes , including sweetness (jaggery), sour (tamarind), bitterness (neem leaves ), heat (green chilies) and saltiness (salt).Each symbolising various aspects of life from joy to challenges teaching us to cherish all of it. Cultural events and programs such as classical music and dance performances are observed in celebration of Ugadi. Wearing new clothes and exchanging gifts among friends is a common deed performed while celebrating the festival.
What are the rituals performed on Gudi Padwa?
The rituals start early in the morning before sunrise, by waking up and applying oil on the body then taking a bath. Home entrance is decorated with mango leaves and flowers, along with a rangoli. Post these, the Gudi is erected there, decorated with yellow silk cloth, mango leaves, and a garland of flowers. Lord Brahma is worshipped before hoisting the Gudi and post the hoisting Lord Vishnu is worshiped and chanted through prayers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. In which state is Gudi Padwa celebrated?

Gudi Padwa is celebrated in Maharashtra and Goa majorly. Whereas Ugadi is celebrated in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Q. Is it a holiday on Gudi Padwa?

The festival is not a national holiday, but in some states such as Maharashtra it is a state holiday.

Q. Is there any muhurat for Gudi Padwa?

Yes, according to hindu panchang, it starts at 11:50 PM on 8th April 2024 and ends on 8:30 PM on 9th April 2024.

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